About EmpireMUD
EmpireMUD is a map-based multiplayer online text game derived
from CircleMUD, a part of the DikuMUD family. EmpireMUD proudly
supports both sighted and visually impaired players with two
different map displays. The original EmpireMUD, called Age
of Destiny, was developed from 2000-2003 by Paul Clarke.
EmpireMUD 2.0 began in 2013 and receives regular updates from
the original developer.
Andruid from Writing Games, a blog dedicated to
text-based gaming, recently interviewed EmpireMUD's developer.
Check out on the Writing Games website!
Playing EmpireMUD
You can connect to our own copy of EmpireMUD using any Telnet program
or MUD client, at the address empiremud.net 4000.
Telnet games are text-based. You can interact with the world using commands like
look, get, north, and help. Some good MUD clients include:
- Mudlet: A full-featured client for multiple operating systems.
- TinTin++: A good command-line MUD client with a lot of features.
- BlowTorch: A mobile client for Android. Blowtorch will capture the / key at the start of lines, so type [ alias newbie /newbie $* ] when you log in to create a shortcut for the newbie channel.
- VIP Mud: A client for visually impaired players.
- Telnet: From the command line of your Linux computer, just type: telnet empiremud.net 4000
Starting Your First Character
When you first connect to an EmpireMUD, type the name you want to use. If the name is available, you'll be asked if it's correct. If that name is already in use, you will be prompted for a password instead — disconnect and then try again with a different name. Character creation is short, and will give you some starting skills and preferences. Here are some tips:
- Don't worry too much about your starting archetype. It gives you some starter skills, but you can still learn any of the other skills later. If you want to start an empire, consider Noble Birth or Tribal Leader. Otherwise, pick the one that suits you most.
- Use the promo code countdemonet to start the game with 100 coins. This also lets us know you found the game through our website.
Run Your Own EmpireMUD
The EmpireMUD source code is available on GitHub
for people who want to run their own copy, or just want to see how
it works under the hood. EmpireMUD is written in the C programming
language. It needs about 500MB of RAM to run, or significantly less
if you generate a smaller world. Our copy of EmpireMUD runs the beta-dev
branch of the repository, which is roughly 2 years newer than the trunk
and includes a LOT of updates. There is no schedule for a new full
release in the trunk.
Other Resources